The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608   Message #3307911
Posted By: Ed T
13-Feb-12 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
Sorry. Not one hundred, not even ten. But, about one dollar (Loonie) a day to operate the unit.

My heating bill went from about 1600 down to about three or four hundred last year, which was a colder year than this year. This year my furnace rarely kicks in, even in today's cold temperature. Under $two hundred for extra electricity, and about $ one hundred and fifty dollars for oil. I expect it to be slightly cheaper this winter, as it was a warmer winter.

Heat rises, so, I also benefit on the upper house level, which also benefits from daytime solar heat.

Air conditioning benefits in the summer is limited to the lower level, as cold stays low, and does not rise much.

If I ever need to replace my forced air oil furnace, I would buy a full heat pump furnace replacement. I could then use my air ducts to put it all around the house. These are about 5 K at Home Depot, and they claim you can get a 1k subsidy back - though I have not looked into that.

It is only the power to run the compressor and indoor fan. No wires are heated. The inverter technology makes them much more efficient over the past two or three years, than earlier models .