The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143239   Message #3309093
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Feb-12 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Homs horror (Syria, 2012)
Subject: RE: BS: Homs horror
"YOUR failure to take China and Russia to task for the shells"
I have not failed to take Russia and China to task for the shells - I condemn all of them utterly but I have said repeatedly that I believe all nations who supply weapons to dictators to be no better than one another.
You have seen descriptions of the slaughter by snipers armed with British supplied ammunition.
I refuse to discriminate between weapons supplied by Russia and China and those supplied by Britain specifically to be used on civilians - that would be rank hypocracy. You've had the list of countries Britain has traded arms with - you may add to that Pinochet's Chile and Mugabe's Zimbabwe - how does that grab you?
damn them all - they are all mercenary dealers in death and it is flag-waving shit to claim otherwise - do you condemn the ammuntion supplied by Britain or are you with the other pair of shits?
Jim Carroll