The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3310669
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
18-Feb-12 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subjecting Noah's flood to modern scientific analysis is always fun.

It rained 40 days and nights straight, a constant torrent, all over the planet. With constant cloud cover so that the sun could not add to the water in the atmosphere through evaporation.

Obviously the water vapor was coming from an external source. Lets call it "Jehovah's cosmic humidifier". Then there were many weeks in the aftermath that the water slowly receded until the doves found Mt Ararat. Due to the slowness and lack of drain vortexes this was almost certainly done with a process of evaporation where the excess water was used. "Jehovah's cosmic humidifier" is a logical extension of the first gadget.

But then there is the problem of salt. wouldn't the salinity have mixed evenly everywhere as the water rose? Our grand designer must
have staged mini floods at a later time to flush the salt from low lying basins such as Lakes Superior and Baikal perhaps "Jehovah's desalinating sump pump" was used.

Then there was the scale of the water. of the amount of the water compared to the sphere of the Earth today is the size of a ping pong ball it would take at least a soft ball to cover it to the depth of a puny mountain like Ararat and when we are talking about the mountains not known in the Mid East when the story was first heard, The Andes, Everest, we are talking about at least a couple of basketballs.

But "Jehovah's cosmic humidifier" easily solves that problem of scale if you believe God in infinite, with abilities beyond our comprehension. Of course believing in such things is not science. It is faith. It is not just blind faith. It is willfully blind faith.