The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3311310
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
20-Feb-12 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
""We see Texas rains--they can flood a place pretty fast. Multiply that by a hundred and you've got Noah's flood.

Not if you multiplied it by a hundred million Iona. You simply cannot extrapolate from an local event, however extreme, to the kind of global catastrophe you posit.

There simply isn't sufficient water over, on, or under the Earth's surface, and there never was.

The Earth, has from its first cooling, contained a constant quantity of water, which cycles and recycles from sea to atmosphere to land and back to sea.

There is no physical or chemical process which is currently producing extra water as an end product.

That process took place before the cooling of the planet and before the existence of any but the most basic beginnings of life, extremes of temperature and pressure producing results which could not and cannot take place without those conditions.

Supposing you were correct in your statement that water welled up from underground, then without its support that ground would collapse into the void. Result?..........same surface level with the water now on top, but plenty of land masses a boat might reach, aalways provided that the collapse was sufficiently gentle and gradual.

Nothing remotely like your flood though. That is a complete and utter physical impossibility.

Don T.