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Thread #142452   Message #3311683
Posted By: Paul Burke
21-Feb-12 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
"the time scale of the earth-moon system still presents a major problem." (Louis Slichter, evolutionary scientist)

As you'll find if you look it up, Slichter's simplified model gave him an age for the moon of about one and a half billion years.

That's close enough to 6000 for me, I haven't got my calculator handy to check it accurately.

So here's the bottom line of this evolutionary assumption. You're trying to tell me that man lived for ninety hundred years doing nothing but scavenging for food?! It doesn't make sense. Doesn't it seem more likely that someone would go "hey, look--food, he grow from seed! Ogga, lookie!" (pardon the play-acting)-? I mean, NINETY HUNDRED years without knowledge of farming.

A farming expert too I see. Farming's not difficult is it? just round up the animals and keep them in one field, and grow asparagus and avocados in the other.

What's more, for EIGHT THOUSAND years after they started planting, they had no steel to make their ploughs with. Like, come on, you want this field to grow something? And you mess about with WOOD? Then another three thousand before they realise that they need tractors. As though Ugg woundn't have said "Why me dig pathetic hole in ground with stick? Me go hunt big green John Deere!"

And as if Adam wouldn't have said "You want me to live by the sweat of my brow? Well give us that flaming sword to cut some trees down with then!"