The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143433   Message #3311920
Posted By: Rapparee
22-Feb-12 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: bored olddude
Subject: RE: BS: bored olddude
Sam is full Class III, both at the store and personally. He has a tripod-mounted US Machine Gun, Caliber 50, M2 which came from a B-25 bomber and still has the aircraft sights on it in the foyer of his house. Got a Barrett or an Armalite AR-50? Sam's got one of each and he'll sell them to you.

Business man? You better believe Sam's a business man! He's also a PhD in Engineering and Thai-American -- his daughter is a West Point Graduate; Sam himself is a disabled US veteran as well as a veteran of the Thai Army.

By the way, my brother found and has cleaned up Ye Olde Family Tommy Gunne. He also is Ye Keeper of Ye Olde Family AK-47 (With Ye Olde Fulle Auto Functione). Why my Grandfather had a Tommy gun is beyond both of us, but then he also had a personal still (now in a museum) and a commercial still (destroyed by the sheriff 'cause Grandpa didn't pay the right people).

Shoot fully automatic weapons? Why goodness gracious me! Ah swan, Ah feel faint at the very thought! Let's see: 45 grease gun, tommy gun, M1919A6, M60, M2, BAR and perhaps one or two more, maybe.