The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142880   Message #3312368
Posted By: LilyFestre
23-Feb-12 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: Severn's Round 2 Chemo (24 Jan 2012)
Subject: RE: Severn's Round 2 Chemo (24 Jan 2012)
Hey Friend!

    How are those treatments going? How about the aftermath? A very wise Bobert once told me (as I was complaining about not feeling well...tired...didn't want to go to another treatment because I'd just get feeling ok and then they'd clobber me with chemo again)....he told me it was like a boxing match. As time goes on, it gets harder to stand up and keep at it but that there is an end in sight. Hang on my friend. Know that you are being prayed for and good thoughts are coming your way. Feel free to PM and whine any time you want. Been there. Whined the entire way through. It wasn't pretty but it helped me get through.

Stay Strong!!!