The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3313095
Posted By: GUEST,Iona
25-Feb-12 - 02:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
"In order to answer the question, we have to look at the pre-flood atmospheric conditions. First of all, we know that there was no rain until the flood occurred. Instead of rain, the earth had a heavy mist encircling the globe, which kept everything lush and green (which is why we always picture dinosaurs in a jungle-like, lush environment--the world was much more beautiful back then because it was fresh from creation!)."

We know nothing of the sort. There is no evidence for this. there is not even evidence in the Bible.

I'm not sure which one of those statements I made you are saying that we know nothing about. The no rain theory? The 'lush and jungle like environment'? I'm not going to stake anything on the first claim, though I know I made it sound a little definite at first. I've done a little more examining of the issue, and I am not altogether sure that the Bible says that there was not rain until the flood, but neither do we know that there was rain. I first got the idea of 'no rain' from Genesis 2:5-6, but also in the verse is the statement that there was no man to till the ground. And applying that with the fact that Genesis 2 is a detailed recap of Creation Week, it's safe to say that it was referring to the period before man was created. There may have been rain before the flood (since rain is a vital part to the water cycle). But I still hold to the well founded assertion that the historic, pre-flood earth was very lush and beautiful. We find palm trees fossilized in Antarctica. We find 'jungle' plants (Cycads) alongside dinosaurs, and like I said, that's why dinosaurs are pictured in a jungle like environment. Even by evolutionists. ;)
