The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143532   Message #3314057
Posted By: GUEST,Jon Dudley
27-Feb-12 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: Copper Family House Concert
Subject: RE: Copper Family House Concert
It was a good night! MC Vic, as always, did a great job. He's been such a stalwart of the Sussex folk scene since I first went to his club as a sixth former (and now I'm 62)...and the bugger doesn't appear to get any older.

We've known Jeff Davis. since the early 90s when he and his then singing partner Jeff Warner hosted us throughout our very first US tour. The image of his carrying armfuls of beer to the otherwise dry Theatre for The Performing Arts in New York remains forever etched on our collective memories - corn in Egypt indeed! He's making a habit of being a 'surprise guest' too (as he was on Saturday) - we shipped him over for Bob's 80th birthday in '95. The two of them established a wonderful relationship over the years in those wistful pre-email days, mainly by letter, but occasionally in a more staged setting - no more so than when he and his great chum Paul Brady made up Bob's backing band at a small festival in Suffolk...still one of Jeff's most treasured moments. I can only endorse what everyone says of Mr Davis. His is a rare talent amongst performers, for to him the background and history of the song are the most important element. The combination of a fine voice and mastery of instruments never, ever, takes away from the majesty of the songs and what they must have meant to the ordinary folk who sung them. In this I can only assume that his influence must have been Frank Warner who made friends of everyone he 'collected'.

He's a jolly nice fellow too.