The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143482   Message #3314324
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Feb-12 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: What would Chongo's administration be like?
Subject: RE: BS: What would Chongo's administration be like?
No, Bobert, it doesn't make you a snob. It makes you a specist!


Amos experiences the delusion that when I speak on Chongo's behalf, I am really speaking on my own behalf. This is not so. Chongo's values are not mine, they are his own. This is also true of Shane McBride, as anyone with half a brain can clearly grasp. All my created characters, once created, have their own unique identity, their own unique psychology, and they are NOT alternative versions of me anymore than a variety of characters in Amos's recently published novel are alternative versions of Amos. They each have their own independent being, they each march to their own drummer, they each live for their own dreams. I am merely the scribe who sometimes records their adventures. Other times, they speak for themselves...and I witness the process, often shaking my head at their wisdom...or their the case may be.