The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143565   Message #3314344
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Feb-12 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chongo praised for ancestors' good taste
Subject: BS: Chongo praised for ancestors' good taste
This just in: Tribal African spokesmen from near Chongo's birthplace on an obscure American trading compound in Nigeria have put in a good word for his USA presidential bid, drawing attention to the fact that his ancestors had "very good taste". "Those chimpanzees among Chongo's ancestors were well known to my people," said Donald Umbawasee of Nigeria. "I can still recall my Granddaddy saying what good taste they had."

With international support like this, Chongo can look forward to a vigorous campaign and a no doubt glorious 8 years in office.