The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143595   Message #3315738
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Mar-12 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't Say THAT!!
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Say THAT!!
Do you worry about that on a daily basis, leeneia? If so, you might consider a career working for some government surveillance outfit and keeping the rest of us "safe". ;-)

I pay taxes for law enforcement, roads and transportation facilities, courts & jails, schools, libaries, nature preserves, public health insurance, harbours, libraries, parks, nature preserves, an armed forces, a government, etc...

I don't object in principle to paying such taxes, but I do suspect that my tax burden is considerably higher than it ought to be in an honest system...because unscrupulous banking practices (fractional reserve lending) have put the country and society deeply into debt, and I'm paying for that too...but I didn't cause it. That is not unjust. I and all other citizens are being made to pay for the excesses and fraudulent activities of a few rich criminals at the top of the financial pyramid.