The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143595   Message #3315791
Posted By: JohnInKansas
01-Mar-12 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't Say THAT!!
Subject: RE: BS: Don't Say THAT!!
auto-correct prompts school lockdown

By Helen A.S. Popkin

Nervous police and school officials locked down two adjacent Georgia schools for two hours Wednesday after hearing a report about a text message that seemed to warn of a gunman present on campus, reports the Gainesville Times.

What appeared to be a threat to West Hall middle and high schools in Gainesville, however, turned out to be an errant auto-corrected text sent to a wrong number, the police discovered. The text, which police traced to a student, read "gunman be at west hall today," instead of the intended "gunna be at west hall today." Further, the community member who reported what seemed to be a threatening text was not the intended recipient.


'Laeping to Literacy Night'

By Brian Hamacher,

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- This leap fell a bit short.

A St. Petersburg high school sign promoting a recent literacy event for parents apparently wasn't spell-checked, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

The sign outside Lakewood High School ... read "Laeping to Literacy Night 6:30 PM" in big black letters, but the blunder had school officials red in the face.

"This was just an accident. It's every principal's fear," Lakewood principal Robert Vicari told the Times. "I sure hope that sign doesn't end up on Jay Leno."


By the time it was fixed Monday, the sign was making the rounds on students' Facebook pages. Schley [the school's Literacy Coach] said if nothing else, she was happy the students had noticed the mistake.
