The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143623   Message #3315841
Posted By: GUEST,Paranoid Pete
01-Mar-12 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dodgy email from Shep Woolley
Subject: RE: BS: Dodgy email from Shep Woolley
A few months ago an old mate who is well known in our part of the UK had his email hacked.

All his contacts were then sent a variation on this email.

The sob story in this instance was that he had been mugged in Spain
and had everything, cash/credit-cards/passport/etc stolen,
thus desperately needed loadsamoney mailed immediately so he could pay off all travel bills and come home.

He quickly set up a new email to alert us all as soon as he discovered the hack,
but sadly some good kind friends were taken in by the fraudster and conned out of a fair few quid.

The common link seems to be originating from Spain.