The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #3316265
Posted By: LilyFestre
02-Mar-12 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: on to Life!
I should have posted this a few weeks ago but I didn't think to do it. At my last check up (2-16), my tumor markers were up a little bit. My oncologist says that it's not the amount of numbers that it goes up but rather the upward trend to be concerned with. So...he has offered to do another CA-125 in a month rather than to make me wait the full 3 months. I have been sick with a severe cold for almost a month now and an ear infection that has affected my hearing (although I think it is starting to sound better) and sometimes those kinds of things CAN have an impact on the tumor markers. Let's hope that is the case.

In other news...very sad news...a teal sister....someone who I have made friends with is no longer allowed to receive chemo (that was last week) and today they removed the pic line. She is now in hospice. A young (early 30s at the most), vibrant, sweet, kind human being lost to ovarian cancer.

It's the first death from OC that I've seen since my own diagnosis...brings it home in a big way. Breaks my heart that it's taking Brandi. It's not right. It just isn't right.

My heart aches.