The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143634   Message #3316366
Posted By: Genie
02-Mar-12 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
Subject: RE: BS: Calling All Sluts: Ignore Rush
I can't/won't "boycott" all of Rush's sponsors because some of the ones I do patronize also sponsor shows like Thom Hartmann's, Ed Schultz's, and other progressive talk shows.

Nor would I call for him to be suspended or censured - except to the extent that other radio personalities such as Don Imus and Ed Schultz were. Imus was fired for calling the Rutgers women's basketball team "nappy-headed ho's" and Ed got a temporary suspension (followed by a sincere apology) for calling Laura Ingrahm (sp?) a "slut" (meaning she was prostituting herself politically, much the way Mike Papantonio calls corporate-paid scientists "biostitutes").

Thing is, Rush's outrageous tirade against Susan Fluke does not in any way represent either his personal views nor his knowledge (or ignorance) of the facts of the matter.   
He's a shock jock who fancies himself a humorist and justifies spewing the most ignorant, inflammatory bile, for media attention, on those grounds.

There is no way that he does not know that
a) Susan Fluke did not testify to ask for birth control for herself, nor did she even mention her own sex life or lack thereof

b) The amount of oral contraceptive you need does not depend on how often you have sex,

c) Having sex often & using birth control does not imply more than one partner or not being married,

d) Oral contraceptives are prescribed for many health issues not connected to having sex, and

e) The woman Fluke testified about who lost an ovary because her employer's health insurance would not cover the oral contraceptive prescribed for ovarian cysts is a lesbian, so she would not have been using the hormonal meds to prevent pregnancy

f) Health insurance companies paying for medicines is not "welfare" or "at taxpayers' expense."

Rush knows all that. Plus, given that he's been married several times and recently flew to the Caribbean with a lot of Viagra in his luggage and has no children (that he acknowledges anyway), it's a safe bet that he's either shooting blanks (vasectomy?) or makes use of some form of contraception rather often.

No, for him it's all about being outrageous for the ratings.   I'd just like for him to be held to the same standard that other shock jocks and talking head are.