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Thread #143634   Message #3316671
Posted By: Ebbie
03-Mar-12 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
Subject: RE: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
Well, I've now read Ms Fluke's entire testimony before Congress. She evidently spoke in the name of having been" a past-president of Georgetown Law Students for Reproductive Justice or LSRJ."

Unless Limbaugh has staff that feed him selected cuts of her testimony- and he never bothered to read or hear her entire presentation, he knows full well that she never even spoke of herself or her sex life. Nor did she even mention sex life on campus. Her testimony was of health issues impacted by the cost of non-insured medicine that happen also to be used for birth control.

Here is Limbaugh's response to the first aftermath:

Oh, is that... Well, that's touching. Obama just called Sandra Fluke to make sure she was all right? Awwww. (kissing sound) That is so compassionate! What a great guy. The president called her to make sure she's okay. What is she 30 years old? Thirty years old, a student at Georgetown Law, who admits to having so much sex that she can't afford it anymore.
And thus, a new welfare entitlement must be created so that society will pay for it. You know, somebody asked me, "Why are you so insulting?" Me? Can anybody understand that a whole lot of us are insulted by this? Here we are, we're minding our business one day. We're bothering nobody. We can't anyway! We can't inspect your kids' lunch box. We can't raise your taxes. We can't send your kids off to war. We can't make you buy a certain kind of car. We can't do anything. And all of a sudden we're told that people who want to have sex without consequence, sex with no responsibility, and we have pay for it! We're told we have to pay for it -- and if we object, that somehow we're Neanderthal. Just out of nowhere this comes up.
Now, that, to me, is insulting.

(And later:)
RUSH: Well, I say this really with the absence of all ego: What this is about now is getting me. What this is about is silencing me, removing my voice as a credible critic. This is not even about contraception or any of that anymore. Because you raise another good point. The assumption in this is that every woman in this country is angered by what I said. Every woman in this country.
CALLER: We're not!
RUSH: Of course not.

The man is beyond despicable. I suspect his current career is not going to survive this.