The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143634   Message #3316894
Posted By: gnu
03-Mar-12 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
Subject: RE: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
Re the "humour" comment I made... apparently my comment was lost on some or in some way not considered humourous with the context of my post. It was meant to characterize his audience/followers as sick fucks in either case. I was trying to be a tad humourous. After all, in the face of absolute human garbage, one can try to make fun of the problem or shove a huge didlo up his ass as has been suggested.

BTW, I am fine with shoving a dildo up his ass. The bigger, the better as he is a big asshole. As long as it's roughed up with heavy grit sandpaper first and no lube is involved.
