The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143634   Message #3316938
Posted By: JohnInKansas
03-Mar-12 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
Subject: RE: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
While I saw the new headline saying that there had been an "apology" I assumed that it was as phony as his usual stuff, and didn't bother to read it. The summaries posted above confirm my good judgement in the matter.

Also, while archiving (digitizing) some older material, I came across an "Interview with Rush Limbaugh" from 1993 or 1994. While it got scanned with the rest of the publication it was in, I didn't really bother to read it, since shit hardly ever changes its smell. I suppose I could go back and look at it, but I doubt if I'll bother with anything he might have to say (although questions by the interviewers might indicate whether they knew then what kind of turd they were talking to?, and I suspect they did).

I don't find anything in his list of sponsors that I'd be likely to think of using, but I'll keep the list handy just in case. (If you're going to sponsor a liar you're obviously trying to sell to people who are ready to believe lies. If, as with the Carbonite response at 02 Mar 12 - 05:32 PM, you don't care who pushes your stuff, you've already descended below my level of interest.)
