The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143655   Message #3316958
Posted By: Helen
04-Mar-12 - 12:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: ;-) Here..' /> ;-) Here.' />
Subject: RE: BS: ;-) Here..' /> ;-) Here.' />
Look at the weather thread

In gnu's post, Date: 03 Mar 12 - 01:48 PM :

"You live in Maine, right? > ;-)


[Note - I added a couple of spaces after the ">", just in case it is behaving like a piece of html code]

The words at the top of that thread are: ;-) Here.." / > ;-) Here." / >

[Again - I added a couple of spaces before & after the "/" & the ">", just in case it is behaving like a piece of html code]

Maybe it's picking up the text right after the punctuation and putting it at the top of the page.

Just an idea to investigate. And I don't know html more than as a passing acquaintance, many years ago, so I don't know enough about what all the bits and bobs in it mean.


Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
From: gnu - PM
Date: 03 Mar 12 - 01:48 PM

"This could be the last snow storm of the season but I don't want to take that chance."

You live in Maine, right? > ;-)

Here... VERY strange. A snowsquall, followed by sleet, turning to rain soon and the temp going up to 8C. On another thread, 999 saw flocks of Canada Geese in southern Quebec. It's MARCH!

Strange not to be shovelling. And, I am NOT complaining.