The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143634   Message #3317099
Posted By: GUEST,josepp
04-Mar-12 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
Subject: RE: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
I don't know about that, Greg F. He's losing his sponsors. Some may come back but others won't. Any new ones may sign up only on the condition that he tone it down. We may be witnessing the final days of Rush Blowhard as a relevant force in the conservative right. Much like Glenn Beck he's making himself appeal only to the hardcore haters of his audience. I have to believe followers have been falling away if his sponsors are ready to walk.

He has saturated America and there's nowhere to go but down. As soon as a loudmouth/bombastic host is forced to apologize, that's usually it for him. It's a coast downhill after that. It's a show of weakness for these types and it never has the intended effect.