The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129466   Message #3317237
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
04-Mar-12 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
The usual cloud 13 lefties have entered this thread, and may ruin it as they have so many, cluttering it with nonsense.

To the point, BP has a new guide boss for their exploration; we hope that they have learned their lesson.

As briefly noted by Terribus, the well-being of BP affects a great many people, including most of those posting here, if they have savings in banks, pension funds, or stocks of the many companies that depend on the resource industry. Anyone who looks into the resource companies knows that profits are seldom more than the 10 percent that any business hopes for, the bulk of income used to pay stockholders, thousands of employees, operations, and a small bit set aside for future needs.
(Odd, few attack the current biggies, Apple and the like)

Oil is important, but it is impossible to make a logical case for the resource companies being responsible for wars and their bombs, etc.

The progress of restitution for damages in the Gulf is only beginning; BP itself has set aside 20 billion and may have to add to that if the U. S. government exacts penalties, and settlements are made for loss of revenue due to environmental damage, and consequent decisions by vacationers and businessmen to look elsewhere for their needs and interests.

Terribus strongly supports UK business and seems to have a special love for BP; the company has made mistakes and must pay for them. BP, however, will continue to be strong, and develop its potential in other energy sources as well as in petroleum.

I have raised the terrible ire of Teribus at times, but with regard to the importance and continuation of the world's current system of capitalism, I agree with his views.
Controls and improvements will always be needed, but reversion to some form of communal living is impossible.