The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143634   Message #3317629
Posted By: GUEST,999
05-Mar-12 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
Subject: RE: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
I'd go a step further and say it is society's health that was attacked by Rush Limbaugh, and the issue affects women AND men. They are not two solitudes.

I do not need some bigoted loudmouth spewing his 'hatred du jour' about issues that impact women. I have daughters, and it ain't just the female of the specie that will defend its young. In as much as I think women should be royally pissed off over the things that piece of filth said, I feel that men should be also.

I read a remark on a social network site and the young lady said words to the effect that "The tweeting and letters/calls to the advertisers are working. Women do have power." That view is narrow, because many men are in this fight, too. Trouble is that people used to have power, but it's been eroded by people like Limbaugh, people like Palin. Hatred is not gender-specific, imo. YMMV.