The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143634   Message #3317913
Posted By: YorkshireYankee
05-Mar-12 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
Subject: RE: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
There's a problem with desert Dancer's link (above), so here it is again: there are those with no qualms

I had a look at Josepp's "Conservative Commune" link (of 04 Mar 12 - 02:02 PM); I can't help suspecting that the photo of Ms Fluke has been Photoshopped to make it look like she has a faint moustache (she certainly doesn't look like that in other images I've seen of her). I have a feeling that they've tried to subtly (sort of) make her look "un-feminine" and unattractive -- in order to prompt an unreasoning, gut reaction of dislike and uneasiness (without actually going so far as to draw a cartoony moustache on her, which would come across as just being childish).

It shouldn't surprise me, I guess... but I do find it incredibly disturbing and unsettling that people (besides Limbaugh) are resorting to such crass, underhanded tactics.

While I don't deny there are bad apples in every "basket", I also don't think that Lefty commentators get anywhere near as nasty and OTT as Limbaugh, so when he blames his comments on them and apologises for "stooping to their level", it really takes the cake...