The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143634   Message #3318464
Posted By: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
06-Mar-12 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
Subject: RE: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
"Everybody wants to have somebody to look down on..."

That's a song isn't it? I'm sure I heard it somewhere? There is nothin' more fun than findin' some totally hopeless sinner and total jerk to vent all yer outrage and frustration on, make sick jokes about, etc...

Rush knows that, and he does it liberals. So do all the people who freak out so bad about him doin' it. It works great goin' both ways! ;-D Ook! Ook!

Me...I rave on about people bein' specists and insultin' all apes and monkeys with disgustin' specist terms like "poopflinger". Man, how I PITY them wretched people! They all oughta be sued fer every last dollar they got and hounded to their doom, I say! Send 'em all to penal servitude in Schenectady and throw away the key!!!!!!!!!

Works for me.

- Chongo