The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143634   Message #3318472
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Mar-12 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
Subject: RE: BS: Calling All Sluts: Boycott
I have plenty of empathy for Ms Fluke and the very unpleasant spot she's been put in by Rush, 999. I've always thought Limbaugh was a truly horrible man, and his behaviour beyond the pale. He's like a human slug.

But I don't plan to spend much of my time focusing on him and the seamy stuff he does. I'm a lot more worried about things like the prospective attack on Iran, global high finance maneuvers, etc.

Limbaugh is a flyspeck on the windshield of life.

Bobert asked, "What will the wackos do when he's gone???" Oh, well...his particular set of wackos will do exactly as they do now when he's gone. In his absence they will find someone very similar to replace him. He's temporary...just like all USA presidents are.

I'm a lot more worried about what a large consortium of multinational corporations and giant international banks and military powers will do than about what Rush Limbaugh will do. He's a noisy distraction. He likes getting lots of attention. That's his job. If his present rotten behaviour toward Ms Fluke gets him the "wrong kind of attention" and ends up damaging or destroying his career...well, I wouldn't be a bit sorry to see that happen. He's probably gambling that it will boost his career in the longrun.

And I've already spent way more time talking about him than he's worth to me to talk I think I'll leave it at that.