The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143690   Message #3318503
Posted By: JohnInKansas
07-Mar-12 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Windows 8 - prerelease versions
Subject: RE: Tech: Windows 8
So far as I've seen, even Microsoft isn't stupid enough to ask for personal information in an email, although lots of "phishing" emails try to look like they're from some place "official" to get you to give them information. My guess, from what you've said here, is that you're getting criminal correspondence, rather than anything from a legitimate source.

I have received such scamware in the past, from "the IRS," a couple of banks, FedEx, and a couple of credit cards that I don't even have. The 50% of them that I contacted confirmed 100% that they were fakes and thanked me for reporting them. I don't get many recently since my AV blocks the known ones and "flags" any others that might be even remotely suspicious.

I assume you didn't give them an answer(?).

On the off chance that you did, the usual advice is change every password you've ever used. RIGHT NOW OR SOONER.
