The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143690   Message #3318916
Posted By: JohnInKansas
07-Mar-12 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Windows 8 - prerelease versions
Subject: RE: Tech: Windows 8
From what I've seen of it, from rather superficial looks, Linux now is at about the same place as Windows 3 or 3.5. You have a system that can do everything, and you can choose to use a graphical (like Windows) interface or to do nearly everything in Command Line (like DOS).

In that era, most Windows users remained somewhat knowledgeable about DOS, and used it fairly frequently when it did things that were "difficult" in the Windows view.

Linux setups that I've seen still require(?) at least some use of the command line (mostly similar to DOS, but with slightly different names for the functions) at least during setup, and to get all the applications in place. This can be a bit scary to those who have only used recent Windows, and it does require a minimal amount of that somewhat foreign thing called "thinking;" but it seldom leaves permanent scars and will seem quite natural once you've learned a bit of the language. The equally unknown (to Windows users) function, colloquially called RTFM, can also be helpful, and may even be necessary (although excessive use can, rarely, lead to bizarre personality problems1).

1 (The therapy has been helpful, but a complete cure is difficult.)
