The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3319498
Posted By: Penny S.
08-Mar-12 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Yesterday I had to go to the village centre three times (it's a three minute walk each way). 1. Usual walk to buy paper, drop into Oxfam, where I tried on a couple of items but didn't buy, and the Chinese to buy a special fried rice for lunch. 2. Walk to retrace steps to see if I could find my wristwatch, which had disappeared from my wrist, leaving only a depression in my skin. 2. Walk to village to give out notices about lost man's cheap Russian watch set on the wrong date and my phone number. While doing a last check in Oxfam, another customer spotted it in the bottom of a basket of greetings cards. Hooray.

I had a delivery of a knitting not-quite-a-machine from an ebay seller. It's a Simpleframe, see the fourth picture down on this page, Knitting machines , and I've already done half a scarf on it.

I've had a bid on my chair (and a serious enquiry from someone in a concierge'd building in Wapping, which I have agreed to deliver to, if she wins. I'm trying to get my mind round that sort of address and my old (I called it vintage, and the photos were honest) chair. Odd).

I have, today, hit a major target on my weight offensive, I am now at the same number of pounds over the next number down of stones. As, for example, I am now x stones 11 instead of y stones 11. Since when I started I did not take account of the fractions of a pound, this may not be a whole stone lost yet, but it's pretty near. 14 pounds down. Next target is a whole number BMI. I am cunningly using closely spaced targets from different measures, but which look like a major one. Of course, if, like Americans, I used only pounds, I could do it in tens instead of 14s. So I do it as well.)

I must not buy chocolates to celebrate.
