The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3320147
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
08-Mar-12 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
As for life in general: I am putting time into emails helping to organize our country committee to stop the windmills from being placed on the ecologically sensitive pavement barrens as well as an area with many residences, on a migratory bird landing route. Having a meeting of committee on Sat. Went to council mtng on Monday and a helpful lawyer, found by R, attended and talked with us after.

I stayed in country Mon as R was coming back for council mtng. And Tuesday also, when I had tea with neighbour to talk about our project, then took a walk in the woods with two neighbour women - 10 inches of crusty snow was good exercise! The sugaring off started. The sugar bush was a beehive of activity as holes were drilled and spiles and buckets placed. The sap flows on warm days with cold nights. Bet they will have the fire going on Sunday. This has been a good week for temperatures.

Here in the city, we have been waiting for R to be called to testify in the case against the man who assaulted him on 4 August 2010. Each day has has been, "tomorrow". Now it will be next week. It is a bit torturous as we want it over but with a good result - the scary man still in jail. We are both terrified of the idea of life with him loose. This drains a lot of energy. The legal system allows the perpetrator to act as his own lawyer so R is faced with being questioned by the man who attacked him. Can you imagine a rape victim having to face being questioned by her rapist? I am close to a basket case myself from the whole thing. R seems to be able to function OK. Lots happening in his business.

Another hour on the phone with Bell today - got satisfaction re the weeks I was without internet service in the country and also for the recently received bill for services I neither requested nor received! I wonder what Bell will do next.

Chores all under control.