The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3321589
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
12-Mar-12 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
I'm sorry to read about your friend, Susan. Ovarian cancer is such a damned secretive assault on a woman. Michelle is such a fount of information now I hope she'll be able to help.

Today was a wonderful day here. I fixed breakfast for my son, one he hasn't had in a long time, then I went down to the rehab facility and spent a couple of hours visiting with Susie.

She told a story that should make you smile: You may recall that 2 weeks prior to the accident she had cataract surgery and a cornea transplant. When the accident happened we stressed to the ICU folks that just because the eye health wasn't "life threatening" that it was incredibly important to her well-being once she recovered. They built her drops, ointment, everything, into their treatment schedule. As did the rehab hospital.

Last week she saw her eye doctor, 10 weeks since the surgery, and he was rather anxious to see her. He was so relieved and amazed at how far she has come back. "He told me he was afraid that they would wheel in a vegetable version of me, and he was so happy to see I am so much better." Her eye is doing excellently (he'd also feared what that kind of accident could do to the delicate surgery site he had worked on). I think they had quite a long visit, much more than when you visit a specialist to recheck after surgery. :)

Shopping, then back home to start a marathon of cooking for five of us. Chicken strips for my son, but I found a great piece of sockeye salmon at my high end grocery so brought that in also. Pan fried some potatoes to go with them, and used the last of the garden broccoli. My daughter held up a rather rangy long stalk with small florets, she asked what this was. Without missing a beat I told her that was my organic free range broccoli, not be cramped like in commercial growing operations. :) We finished with a small cake from that same store, one that they examined, picked apart (some like frosting, others don't) and ate all of except one square inch. That was the cook's reward. :)

Nice to be offline and off the grid for a while (though there were times when all three young people were sitting there hunched over devices all running on my house WiFi setup. I told them if they didn't come up for air I'd turn off the router.)