The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143807   Message #3321769
Posted By: GUEST,josepp
12-Mar-12 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: The US lunatic right
Subject: RE: BS: The US lunatic right
Whether left or right, they're full of conspiracy theorists and therefore not to be given the time of day. It's amazing the numbers of people I know who believe in chem trails. But the lunatic fringe knows one thing perfectly well: repeat a lie enough times and people will accept it as truth.

I still encounter people who think Obama's going to send his secret police into our homes to confiscate all our guns and then throw us into the secret camps that have been mothballed since the 40s or 50s or 60s--depending on which nutcase whose blatherings you happen to be listening to.

I got sick of the Executive Order bs after the nutcases told me that Clinton was going to use them if he got elected, and then it became if he get re-elected, then it became Bush I after he dared to use the phrase "New World Order" during a speech. What was funny is that they were silent when Bush II made Blackwater into the very secret police force they warned us about--but then the Bush administration had a knack for ruining people they didn't like so all the brave conspiracy nuts shut right the fuck up until Obama became president and it was safe to ooze out of the woodwork and start warning us all about what a Hitlerian dictator he is which only proves he isn't or they'd be shutting the fuck up like they did under the real dictator that preceded him.

Enough already, people.