The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143807   Message #3322272
Posted By: Bill D
13-Mar-12 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: The US lunatic right
Subject: RE: BS: The US lunatic right
a comment on:
"That video clip does some injustice to the people of Mississippi."

The point of that clip is that it wasn't hard to find those images and opinions in Mississippi!.

There are, of course, many who do NOT think that way or use religion & prejudice to guide their every decision....but in Mississippi, as in many other parts of the South, moderates & liberals do not say too much openly! Even in areas where the poverty & ignorance are not so noticable, there is a clear undercurrent of those basic attitudes. Many of those who fought civil rights tooth & nail are still alive & kicking, and their children and grandchildren were often raised to hate...not just dislike....hate... 'liberals' and racial minorities. In this day of mass media, many southerners have learned to temper their public speech & writings, replacing overt racism & threats with coded language.

If you go to the South and visit with 'average' people about neutral stuff, like food & cars & hunting & kids & music...etc., you will find good, friendly, helpful, interesting folk. But unless you KNOW to whom you are speaking, it is wise to be careful about bringing up politics and race and The Civil War.... and Obama.
Moderate to liberal folks can express themselves IN the voting booth, but many will not admit to their neighbors who they voted for.

It will take many years for this basic attitude to change much.