The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3322389
Posted By: katlaughing
13-Mar-12 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
My hands aren't quite ready for jewellery making just yet, SRS, but getting there. I did meditation this morning with about half of qi gong. I ate too much sodium on our anniversary, careful as I was, restaurants use so much it's really hard to keep it down. I figure I did about four times or more of what I usually do and, I didn't drink enough water, so the past two days have been a bit miserable for me. Haven't done much but sleep and groan.:-) Feeling much better today and have Morgan here for a few hours. We will have him the rest of the week. Rog is working at getting Wed and Thurs. off in addition to his usual Fri. We're planning to take Morgan to a really neat place he doesn't know about.

Years ago, a couple who owned a farm began adopting children from several different countries. Each time they did, they built a child-sized replica of that child's traditional housing from their country of origin. Over the years, they added all kinds of animals including llamas, ponies, ducks, hens, rabbits, etc. which the children can pet, respectfully. So, school groups and individuals can visit. My kids had loads of fun there. They adding a Viking ship which I know Morgan will love climbing on. It's called the "Moon Farm" so I gave him a hint about where we are going..."to the Moon!" He's excited.

I hope to get a few things done still, this week. Get our tax stuff ready and sent out to my girlfriend who does them for us. Rog has to put a new fuel filter on the car and the floors have to done. They are filthy with fine dust tracked in, esp. by the dog who needs a bath. Not sure how we're going to accomplish that...might have to get her some natural sedation pills. She is not comfortable about water other than for drinking.

Kid just went home, so it's time for some more lie-down for me as well as more water.