The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143807   Message #3322422
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
13-Mar-12 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: The US lunatic right
Subject: RE: BS: The US lunatic right
Separate in intimate social relationships, but accepted in business and government, by no means is confined to the southern states; the attitude is common in Canada as well as the States, and by many is extended to the First Nations peoples.

Bill D is close to the mark; Southern cities are gaining Black administrative and service (police, fire, civil servant) personnel and there is cooperation, but close interpersonal relationships are the exception.

Religion is a factor, varied across the South but in central Georgia Catholics are mostly socially separate from Protestants, but both would support candidates who would bring more religion into government- hence the attraction of Santorum, who is avowedly against the separation of church and state.

Unspoken predjudice with regard to both race and religion in close relationships is a fact of life in North America (as it is in many parts of the world); it is closer to the surface in the South, but is not confined to that region.