The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3322509
Posted By: LilyFestre
13-Mar-12 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
I spent today driving to the hospital to have my port flushed and a bunch of blood work done. I was supposed to have a mammogram too but my port was being fussy so I had to have the tubing left hanging out of my chest while a dissolving agent did it's thing which takes an hour. This overlapped with my mammogram appointment..can't very well get squished with a 2 inch needle sticking out of my chest! Oh well, that can be rescheduled.

A friend went along with me today and that was nice. She showed me how to make a swirly scarf that seem to be so much in and easy. And it was nice to have something to knit while I waited...kept me focused on something besides what was going on with my body.

Now we wait. I'm praying for low numbers, a drop in numbers or even if the last number was maintained....anything but rising numbers which indicate tumor activity.

And oh yeah..I did a load of laundry this morning among all the other normal morning chores.

I'm beat.

Sweet dreams everybody!
