The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143807   Message #3322594
Posted By: Richard Bridge
14-Mar-12 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: The US lunatic right
Subject: RE: BS: The US lunatic right
The US government largely (not completely) observes the constitutional requirement not to restrain freedom of speech. But the instances of people being discriminated against for legitimate freedom of expression are too many to ignore. Remember, for example, the school bus driver who flipped the Shrub the bird? There is virtually no effective media voice in the US even for what the US calls left wing (which is right wing by most other countries' standards).

There may be some good state schools in poor areas of the US - but the general picture is reportedly as I have stated.

It is, quite simply, a fact what profit hunting is doing to the US environment, and the EPA is being filleted and disempowered.

The US discrepancies between exit polls and announced results are too large to be brushed aside.

Even here on the Mudcat we read of the experiences of those rendered homeless by vast fires - and who apparently receive no state help.

US elderly care is almost wholly available only on payment. Mostly to not for profit organisations, but still for payment.   US healthcare is the world's leading model of getting only what you pay for. Here's some hands-on experience of US disability care