The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143239   Message #3322615
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Mar-12 - 05:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Homs horror (Syria, 2012)
Subject: RE: BS: Homs horror
You stupid - stupid man
I suggest you read beyond the thread you stumbled on
They are idealistic pacifist Christians who have suggested that democratic countries should consider replacing lethal weapons with equipment to pacify disorder - the Mormons appear to be the driving force behind the movement.
Read what they have to say, rather than grasping at straws to attempt to justify your horrific suggestion that a regime with a long record of detainment without trial and torture, now in the process of slaughtering its own people, could be sold anti-riot gear in order to supress opposition to its murderous behaviour - that is the imbecility here.
I fully understand why you, with your political outlook, should consider the Christiidealism expressed in "far Left".
To date, you and your two disgusting mates are the only ones to have backed arms sales of any sort. You, in particular, have desperately tried to censor any discussion whatever on the role Britain has played in supplying weapons to countries involved in the Arab Spring demonstrations.
We have all deplored the supply of weapons to Assad; no-one but you has suggested supplying him with anything else.
Jim Carroll