The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3322996
Posted By: wysiwyg
14-Mar-12 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
I'm so glad I took the week off from scheduled workouts, post-PT, because I have been busier than a 1-armed paperhanger catching up on work and household chores. The pain cycle of PT allowed these to pile up, never mind the amount of time I was gone DOING it. PT is a funny thing. You do it because something hurts, and it heals you... while hurting you in the process. Not so much IN the workouts, for me, but if you do it right it starts to really hurt about 1-1/2 hours afterwards; this wears off just in time for the next PT visit. (Otherwise you have wasted your money and not worked hard enough.)

I do not regret that at all, tho the dry-clinic part of it seriously knocked my hard-won personal schedule for a loop. But now I can get back to my more established routines, and got caught up this week while also stocking the new exercise room for the time I have allotted to it starting Monday.

Up There I need to vacuum and decorate, which will begin Monday.


Tomorrow I depart for a business trip up into the snow belt of NY, where I will be going once per month for various networking stuff. I have a person to stay over with, this first time, and lots of open time on this trip to reconnoiter; so I will also go see the most logical KOA for boondocking as well as the town where another kind host has offered boondocking space or a guest room (for the colder months).

In case the vibe at the guest quarters this trip is not great, I am also prepared to boondock it if preferable. It is odd to be setting up for this with no major prep, but the Boondocker is still all equipped for these fun or work-related getaways and just needs a good vacuuming the first time I set up the inside here before the next trip.

But all the equipment is already in there, including a change of clothes for unexpected business opportunities, and sleepovers all over the Diocese.

I love having offers of places to stay... but I also like the alone-time boondocking permits. That van is surprisingly warm even down to 35-40 degrees without electricity, or colder with electric blanket.

I found a great stuff sack for a twin, down comforter no longer needed in the house, which has been the one item I wished I'd had on board many a time when staying in the van or in a home. I did use it once and WOW was it worth toting it up the awful stairs where I often stay in H'burg!!! There's just no beating that superlight, burrow-in or toss-half-off comforter. With the stuff sack it is no bulkier than a sleeping bag and much more flexibly-usable! (Also in the stuff sack is a flannel sheet to add or substitute as needed.)
