The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143892   Message #3323688
Posted By: GUEST
16-Mar-12 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: Schooldays Over - sung by Chieftains
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Beauitful song sung by Chieftains
Schooldays Over

Schooldays over, come on then John
Time to be getting your pit boots on
On with your sack and your moleskin trousers
Time you were on your way
Time you were learning the pitman's job
And earning a pitman's pay.

Come on then Jim, it's time to go
Time you were working down below
Time to be handling a pick and shovel
You start at the pits today
Time to be learning the collier's job
And earning a collier's pay.

Come on then Dai, it's nearly light
Time you were off to the anthracite
The morning mist is on the valley
It's time you were on your way
Time you were learning the miner's job
And earning a miner's pay