The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143239   Message #3324436
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Mar-12 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Homs horror (Syria, 2012)
Subject: RE: BS: Homs horror
"But I cannot honestly purport to agree with you when I truly think that you have got it wrong on this occasion."
Sorry Mike - stay with the company you seem to have chosen and you become indistinguishable from them eventually.
Keith is a lying idiot with racist overtones, the gunman is a foul-mouthed thug - you always struck me better than that.
You might have tried answering the question I asked about Keith's attempts at censorship, but it seems to have gone further than that now.
If I have misinterpreted what you have said, please point it out; you didn't respond to my final summing up of what I believe to be your double standards.
I have attempted to answer every single point on this thread; I evaded nothing, I distorted nothing, I don't fake my cut-n-pastes and I don't change my course on what my opinion is every five minutes to suit the fact that I have been caught out in a lie.
Whatever my politics are, my argument on these threads have been purely a humanitarian approach and none of you have been able to point out anything different.
My personal philosophy did not merit the witch hunt.
I suggest you read through Keith and Terminus's threads and ask whether that is really where you believe yourself to be.
Personally, I'd rather remember you when I enjoyed what you had to say and the way you said it, even if I didn't agree with you.
Jim Carroll