The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3324587
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
18-Mar-12 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Fighting the good fight against very high pollen levels right now. Getting into the garden in spite of it. Tomorrow and Tuesday we're likely to have rain, so I'd like to finish some of the weeding and planting today. I put out bowls of beer last night and took a whole bunch of snails to their last garden party.

I need to clean the carburetor on my weed-whacker, and I found a good video on YouTube for the type I have. I picked up the cleaner last night and I'll run the video one more time before I head out to the greenhouse to give it a try.

eBay hovers on the edge of my consciousness, I have pieces that people are interested in, I just have to clear enough space to the a photo of the entire set and then list a few things individually.

Paid the last monthly bill - in time but later than usual - I insured the smart phones back in January (a couple of weeks after we got them) but only one of them showed on the last bill. So I called and said I'd put both of them on the plan and it took a few days to get a confirmation that they both now are. So now the bill is paid.

Q, it sounds like you decluttered your pocketbook a bit with that high-tech bedding option you put in!