The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3325284
Posted By: Don Firth
19-Mar-12 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Yes, Iona, 'tis I.

The earlier photo (1959) is of Bob and me singing at "The Place Next Door," an up-scale coffeehouse that was next door to the Guild 45th Theater (foreign and art films at the time) and owned by the same man, hence the name.

I am seated for two reasons. First, I play classical guitar as well as using the guitar for song accompaniment, and hold the guitar in the secure classical position (HERE). Second, because, due to polio at an early age, I walked with a pair of aluminum forearm crutches, and if I were to try to play the guitar standing up, I would have to set the crutches aside, and there is a good chance I would land on my keister.

In the second photo (2007), Bob and I have a bit more mileage on the clock. I am now using a wheelchair, and the lower bout of a full-size classic guitar and the right wheel of the chair interfere with each other, throwing the guitar out of position, hence the smaller "Go" travel guitar (looks like the love-child of an unnatural relationship between a guitar and a canoe paddle)—remarkable instrument made by Sam Radding of San Diego:   a bit thin in the bass, perhaps, but in general sounds like a full-size classic guitar. Sam's a genius!

Did you check the link at the bottom of the poster?

Here it is again:   loveiscentral.   This will take you to the web site of Central Lutheran Church, where Bob and I sang in October of 2007. For more information about the NATURE of this particular church and why I am a member, this page HERE should give you an idea.

The congregation of this church consists of a large number of well-educated people, some of whom are in the sciences—and find "Young Earth Creationism" totally unacceptable as truth. Along with many other things the Bible says that can't possibly be literally true. Mythological concepts, yes, but not historical fact.

Yet, most of these people take the teachings of Jesus seriously and put them into practice, whereas the vast majority of those intense people I've run into in my life who have tried to "save my soul" don't practice what they preach!

There are a lot of "Christians" like that. And they give the rest of us a bad name!

Which is why I keep asking you what YOU are doing. And I note that you haven't yet answered.

By the way, I can't think of anyone in Central's congregation who would not be absolutely appalled at your attitudes about stoning.

Also, by the way, I've never been stoned. Not even in the Sixties.

Don Firth