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Thread #27208   Message #332569
Posted By: GUEST,Roger the skiffler
02-Nov-00 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: Mick Groves on UK tv
Subject: Mick Groves on UK tv
I understand Mick Groves, formerly of the Spinners, (Liverpool not Detroit)is on a UK commercial tv programme next Monday evening,Nov. 6th (times may vary according to region) called After they were Famous. A sort of "Where are they now?" programme. I have an idea where the rest of the Spinners are. Cliff retired to Jamaica when they disbanded (he was the oldest by several years),Tony works for the Northern end of Jazz FM (he always was a jazzer) and Hughie has a CD out with musicians including their old MD & Bassist "Count" John McCormick. I don't know what Mick is doing so I 'll try to catch the programme. The only other episode I saw had Dave Hill(ex-Slade) as a School Governor (still wearing a big fedora in governors' meetings!) and teaching music to special needs kids. Otherwise it semed to feature people I never knew had been famous!
BTW I only found one Spinners website with not a lot of info. other than what I've mentioned above, but promises more, at:
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