The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143916   Message #3326282
Posted By: catspaw49
21-Mar-12 - 09:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Killed for being black? Florida today
Subject: RE: BS: Killed for being black? Florida today
Anybody else feel like this country is in some kind of time warp?

This case, (a white guy with a gun who outweighs the young black youth by 100 pounds and is obviously stalking the kid using equally obvious racial profiling and language to boot) and others like it seem to be too common anymore. And something like that is common?

We are trying to dismantle social programs, women's issues are regressing back well past 50 years ago, health care goes back in lockstep with the rest, and we are approaching another Truman-Dewey election, and all the while fervently praying to god with more ardor than ever as we ask for his blessing on this on all of this shit????

I used to worry about the future but now I don't as it really isn't the future where we're going but the past!   Wake me up when we get back to about 1775 or so. I want to have a few words with with Jefferson, Paine, Franklin, and a few other guys.....kinda' plant a little bug in their ears........

