The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3326820
Posted By: Joe Offer
22-Mar-12 - 02:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
I'm largely serious in my defense of a geocentric universe, Michael - for two reasons:
1. We are on earth. Therefore, we view the universe from a geocentric perspective, whether we like it or not. We can extrapolate or use instruments to observe from other perspectives, but our basic view from earth is geocentric. It is my understanding that there were astronomers in the "olden days" who were able to collect very accurate data from a geocentric perspective - even though it was collected from what we consider to be a flawed perspective, the data was accurate and the predictions derived from that data were accurate. A heliocentric perspective is certainly more straightforward, but it is not the only perspective possible. My point: don't be too quick to condemn those who see things differently - they may just be looking from a different perspective.

2. Geocentric models of the universe do indeed have aesthetic value, and that value is not to be scoffed at. Geocentric models are intriguing and amazingly complex. They stimulate my imagination, and they lead me to dream about alternative possibilities.

We live in a world that is obsessed with "truth," with finding the one right answer to every question. That sort of perspective doesn't leave much room for imagination, for dreaming, or for aesthetic values. I like my universe messy, not neat, tidy, and mathematical.

I'm here to find the joy in life, not just the right answers. Geocentric models fascinate me, and that brings me joy. If there is no joy, what is there in life that has value?
