The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3326845
Posted By: Penny S.
22-Mar-12 - 04:35 AM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
I am expecting a delivery of carpet tiles for the two spare bedrooms on Monday, so need to find the steel straight edge and the Stanley knife I last used to fit tiles in the main bedroom of the old place. (Which the new owners have now lifted! They are going to let me have them.)
Tuesday, I sorted out the stuff in the garage which I had brought in the last trip and stowed it in the cupboards - but did not find the errant items. I also searched the small spare room where the tile offcuts are. No luck. And the boot of the car. Ditto.

Yesterday was health walk day, and then an ex-colleague came over for a chat, so the tidy was suspended. I have to search the fuse cupboard alcove in the garage where I have stored some other bits and pieces.

I have another knife, but I might have to buy another ruler. And find something I can make white marks with - I was using a tippex pen, which should be with the other things. And I need my flexible curve, though that is for the tiles for the downstairs loo basin. I have some that were dumped by the guy who didn't fit my kitchen, plus some that I found had been flytipped at a place we stopped to photo a sunset! At the moment there is painted wall with the marks where the previous owner removed an earlier basin, and an unsealed gap which allows water to drip down to the floor. I've got all the tiling gear OK.
