The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141235   Message #3327467
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Mar-12 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: Long-term Food Storage
Subject: RE: Long-term Food Storage
One other thing to consider: There are a great many edible common plants that grow within a short distance of your house if you live in the country or in small towns. There are books out there which identify these common edible plants which grow in profusion on vacant lots, in your lawn, in the woods, in the fields, beside the road, basically wherever there is open ground. Dandelions are one of them and there are many others. These plants can be eaten raw in salads or they can be cooked in various ways. This clearly won't help you in the winter when there's snow on the ground, but it will help you in the warmer weather if you know which plants are edible and which are not.

As for storing a year's supply of food...if it's beans, lentils, and rice you're talking can certainly fit a year's supply of them into a relatively small space inside any common dwellng place.