The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27180   Message #332761
Posted By: Jimmy C
02-Nov-00 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: meelia murther - lanigans ball
Subject: RE: meelia murther - lanigans ball
Mile Murdar is a thousand murders. Another word for murder is dunmharaigh - v dunmharu.

The expression probably derived from mile and the last part of dunmharu . ie, mile mharu, throgh the years the pronunciation get screwed up. The following are takenn from Bernarrd Shares dictionary of Irish Slang expressions.

From Patrick Kennedy;s " Legendary Fiction of the Irish Celts " !866. " He trod on the dogs tail, and if he did he got the marks of teeth in his arms, and legs and thighs. "MILLIA MURDHER" cried he.

FromLiam Doyle's " Ballygullion" 1908 - Michael in the middle av thim (of them) and the wimmen (women) hanging round, pullin the skirts of men's coats and cryin melia murdher.

and again , from Flann O'Brien's " The Hair of the Dogma" 1977 - " but there was sacred holy melia murder about it afterwards.

Anopther similar phrase is " Murdersherry"(eternal murder) an expression of acute disappointment or anguish.
