The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144013   Message #3328013
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
24-Mar-12 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: National Defense Resources Preparedness
Subject: RE: BS: National Defense Resources Preparedness
Methinks that the concern about this, which seems to cross partisan subscription, is the unsettling distrust that the individuals in the citizenry harbor a deep distrust for the government...and their 'allegiances' to one party or the other, is a way to 'feel safe' least when 'your' party is in office...but then, it gets unsettling again and again, when the party you put your hopes into, starts acting like 'the other party' of recent, conservatives got pissed at Bush, and the Republican Congress..much like Progressives and 'liberals' tend to think Obama has moved to 'the right'.

In reality, it's a 'Hoax De-luxe'. They work for the guys who bought them the ticket....We don't get to 'vote' for them, nor do they 'represent' us.

I wonder how long it will take the ideologues to figure that matter how flippin' obvious it is!